Friday – Exciting Things For The Weekend

So since the COVID Code Red restrictions are expired, and weren’t extended, that means that non-essential things and stores, etc. are now open and you can go out and buy stuff (not recommended). My mom said that since I got a lot of money for Christmas and she’s off this weekend, we could go to the city to find some stuff I wanted during Code Red. Also, my dad recently bought new movies for us to watch, and since I go to his place every weekend, I am excited to have at least some new things to watch (also PVR movies because they play a lot over the weekends).

I do have some homework, but it’s only a few small things I could get done either during catch-up which is kinda a relief at the end of the day because it’s Friday and you can easily knock things off the homework board and not have to stress out a ton on the weekends. Also, I could get a lot of O.W.L. (open world learning) time over the weekend since I don’t have too many plans.

I think that since Code Red was so strict, a lot of people are going to have similar views and go shopping since a lot of stores were closed, whether they went to them regularly before or it’s a craft store or for movies in case this happens again. I kind of feel the same way, but I would be really cautious going shopping since we are still in Code Orange.

Having A Lot Of Spare Time In Quarantine

Right now, a lot of people probably have more spare time than they have ever had before, and it’s a good idea to come up with new hobbies or coping mechanisms (Because we’re all probably stressed from this dumb pandemic). I know that I did a lot of some of my favourite things over Christmas break (and adding to current hobbies), and they kept me really entertained through the 2 weeks I didn’t really go outside.

I did a lot of drawing in my sketchbook with a different kind of organization (instead of jumping around the pages, to the back/middle, and scattering all my work with no date/proper timeline), also some writing and watching a lot of movies with my dad (my mom’s not a movie person + she worked a ton over the holidays). I watched a lot of Marvel and DC movies, but got into a bad habit of skimming through all different channels on the TV (kids, old movie channels, reality TV) around 2 weeks into the future (good movies/movies in general only play on the weekends) just to find a good movie to watch or one that I liked and wanted to PVR just to watch over and over again (I still do it too often because I’m impatient and just want to pass the time).

I think that’s it a good idea to try and keep your mind occupied while you have to stay inside to try and not become absolutely insane. Doing something that you find entertaining or that your good at is better than stressing out and being cautious 24/7 when you’re at home.

21 Hobbies You Can Start at Home—Today

WW – 4th Publication – Confusing Episodes

It started in an office. Maybe a meeting, with demons, loud honking cars, and tall buildings. An immature business man talking about ways to get his work more relevant around town. It was boring.

Let’s say a flashback, a vision or something. A scream or a cry. Birds, or were they demons, too? A large castle, with a huge balcony leading into a bedroom, and the source of the scream coming from the room closest nearby.

Maybe space was a better option, with a musical number. No, wait, it’s getting destroyed. Back to screaming. A woman’s loud voice yelling with rage. It woke up her daughter in the worst way for a teenager. Still boring.

Daycare, some kids. Quite a few. Maybe a new narrator, too, and more songs, this one with a nice tune. It was very upbeat and cheery, clearly seen as for kids. They even had some parts in it, and finished the song nicely, even if it was out of tune a bit.

Back to demons and desaturated colours. And that immature business man. I’m starting to think he’s a main character. Other demons, too? Wonder what they’re about, and a… dog?

Wait. That can wait.

Is that a box of cereal? Why is she eating it with her hands? Whatever, the old phone is ringing again (it looks fancy). I wonder who that guy is calling. Maybe someone important? He did say he needed a bodyguard. Not sure what for though. A theme park. Seriously? Wait, hold on, how tall is this guy, 12 feet? That’s insane.

These people seem quite bored around that mascot, I wonder what it would be like if it was real.

Maybe that’s too scary to think about. Demons in real life would be strange. Well, the characters do seem realistic enough. What? Is that a circus? And a.. really tall clown? He looks weird, and his voice is weird, too.

Another song? Why are these everywhere? Why does everyone sing so much? Wait, no, more dialogue.

These lines are different, and they’re in an office again. I don’t like this sequence. More talking form that business guy. Is that a commercial? Another song? It sounds kind of nice, like the other one from before. Too many songs. Even more dialogue, and nothing interesting happening.

A news station? Wait, these people are celebrating. Well, cake is a nice way to end things, or an explosion.  I can’t really decide.

What I Did During The Holidays

For Christmas Break, I didn’t do a lot. I visited my dad and had supper with the few family members in my house, but nothing really special.

I got a lot of money from my dad, grandparents, and mom. I also got a new set of earbuds and a necklace which are actually kinda nice. I really expected not a lot this year since nothing is really open/essential now, so I was just glad with the little presents. I know I can always go shopping online or after COVID has calmed down a bit (Even though it wouldn’t be the best idea), so I plan on doing that hopefully sometime soon.

I did a lot of indoor activities, too. I got more into drawing and a lot of digital stuff. I finally got my glasses fixed (and broke again), and I also helped my mom with Wi-Fi problems at home. I played games for some of the time, too, since I usually don’t get a lot of free time without stressing about homework.

Now that we have 2 weeks of remote learning, I was a little nervous before, but now that I’m a week through, I think it’s actually quite easy, and asynchronous times can be difficult to stay invested in, but otherwise, it’s going really good so far.