Rock/Metal/Punk Rock Music

What I love about rock/metal/punk rock music is how loud is can get and the rough vocals along with the instruments. One thing I can only listen to on full volume earbuds is this kind of music and I think I’m going deaf sometimes. A band I listen to a lot (the only people I currently listen to) is My Chemical Romance. I never get tired of their music and since they made so much of it, I have a ton of songs I can listen to and a huge gallery to pick from. A lot of music I previous listened to was really quiet and slow, but with loud and fast metal songs, I think that their my main current preference, so I listen to it 24/7.

Also, for O.W.L. (Open World Learning), I’m learning guitar, and I’m really excited to because if I do, I can learn to play some of my favourite songs. My mom said that if I learn enough to make it through the project, she’d get me an electric guitar because I really want one, and also it’s a major factor in rock music, I find.

One other thing I really like about this kind of music is that you can basically make any kind of song out of it. A random one, a sad one, one that sounds mad because that’s what lots of people perceive metal music to be like (it’s not), and probably a lot more. I feel like sad rock songs are more expressive because of how some artists deliver the lines. They can make it sound angry and sad at the same time with louder lyrics. Music videos express it better, too, and can give you a clear image of what emotion the singers are giving with facial expresses.

I listen to loud music when I want to block out annoying people or I blare my earbuds with it when I don’t wanna be bothered if I’m alone. I feel like it’s kind of an unhealthy habit, but I keep doing it, still. It’s basically a coping mechanism for me because if I’m in a  bad mood, I can listen to loud music to just express my feeling/thoughts through and relax a bit if I’m frustrated. It’s a really good system for me, and there’s usually a song I have downloaded to my phone so I can just listen to it while I play games or draw, which are some common hobbies of mine.

(I do have a whole other blog talking about what other artists I listen to, and a few songs I really like by rock bands here -> )

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