Pastel Colours

I recently came across an artist on Instagram that I really liked the style of. They used a lot of pastel colours and they had a way of using contrast in a way that makes the darker colours still look very light, and I admired it a lot.
So I decided to try it out myself.

I’ve kind of started getting more into a “cybergoth” style, and even though I don’t dress outrageous (even though I’d like to), I still feel like the style is starting to leak more into my art. I’ve been using pastels (not to copy or “plagiarize”, but I’d say more to work with contrast and also because seeing it seemed to stem my inspiration)
I feel like this is a really good thing for me because recently I’ve been experiencing a lot of art block, and getting inspired just by some artist on Instagram seemed to help. I’ve been working more with stylization and likeness (because I like to draw real people and it’s important to make them actually look like themselves) instead of just one or the other.

I haven’t really started messing around with proportions, but I have with how things are shaped (eyes, mouth, etc.) and some other creative liberties with my own style instead of focusing on realism (because I’ve focused on it for so long).

Anyways, that’s mostly all I wanted to say. See ya.