More of What I’ve Been Up To

I’ve been doing a lot more writing recently, and I’ve really been enjoying it. I’ve started posted some of it on the internet, too.

It’s kind of nice coming back into writing, especially when you have something good on your mind and you feel really inspired by it. That ended up happening to me and I wrote an entire first chapter of a series about it with 4000+ words. I don’t really know how I did it; it just happened.

I’m planning on adding way more to it and the story, and maybe finally getting back into regular updates. Last time I wrote something that I regularly updated (that also wasn’t for school) was around 2 years ago, so it’ll be nice if I can get back into that habit.

I’ve been listening to some new music recently, too, and by new, I mean that I started listening to some songs that I used to listen to 24/7. My music taste is already all over the place, and I ended up just going through my Spotify and listening to whatever I feel like I want to listen to. I even made a new playlist, which is very unusual for me.

I never make playlists, even for my favourite songs. I think one reason I evenĀ made the playlist in the first place was because a song I was listening to reminded me of a character I like. This only happened a few days ago, but it’s still very relevant to me.

School’s been school. Also, me and my friends made plans literally within like 5 minutes to go for a sleepover at one of our houses just because I obtained wasabi and they want to try it. I now have to remember to bring the stuff so that it’s really not pointless. That’s happening this weekend.

I’ve been trying to draw more, because I took a small “hiatus” almost. It really wasn’t a hiatus, more that I was just doing things I didn’t like and I wasn’t really enjoying my art, but I’ve tried to do this thing where I draw what I want, and even if it doesn’t turn out how I want it to, I still keep it and add to it. I feel like it’ll be a good exercise for me.

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